Okay, I'm Maddy Wilcox and this is a small interview about Starships around campus. First of all, just to like get some of the introductions out of the way. What's your name? Christopher Scott. What is your major? My major is chemistry with a minor in business management. Age? I am 20 years old. Gender? I am male. So what do you like to do in your free time? In my free time, I really enjoy watching movies with friends whenever I have time to do so. I really enjoy cooking and baking as well as drawing. Okay, so imagine that you're sitting in your dorm room. What's something that you often need or desire that's just inconveniently far or hard to get, kind of? One thing that I would say for this is probably either food or water. If I'm laying in bed at night, I don't really want to go all the way to my kitchen to get food or water. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah, I've definitely like don't want to go somewhere. I've always like I want a monster at like three in the morning. Have you ever actually used a Starship? Yes, I have used the Starship one time. Okay. How would you describe your experience with the Starship? Using the Starship, I had a good experience. It had a fairly good app system and way of communicating to get the order and all that stuff. My issue that I have with Starships is actually just encountering them when I am on campus myself. I longboard to a lot of my classes and the amount of times that Starships are either in the bike lane or just moving through the bike lane without really any indication of what their movements are, whether they're going to stop where they are, whether they're going to move forward or turn at all. It's very confusing and it's hard to predict what their movements are and I have crashed into a couple of them. As well as just like being on campus in the wintertime and seeing Starships just stranded in the snow. I've definitely seen that. Have you had any issues with the deliveries themselves other than just like running into the Starship? Like I said, the only problem that I had with ordering Starship was just I did it during the wintertime. So, it took a lot longer to get there and I assumed that it was stuck for a little bit until someone probably pushed it along. Other than just it taking a while due to the conditions, I haven't had much bad experiences with getting the food. Awesome. So, if you could change something about how the Starships operate, is there anything that you can think of that you would change or something that you'd want to see with how they operate? So, one thing that I would want to change with how they operate is again just adding some sort of system to kind of like indicate their movements, whether it's like linking their little flashing beam twice before they go down to the street, if it's like saying what direction they're going to go in, if it's saying coming to a stop or something like that, or just indicating with like turn signals or brake lights or something like that just on the device itself. That way everyone else can understand what it's doing. I feel like it'll be a lot easier to kind of move around them and with them if we all just knew where it was trying to go. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. That's a good idea. Is there anything else that like you're not really able to get through Starships? Anything that you'd like to be able to pick up that you know that they can't currently deliver or you haven't seen anybody order? One thing is, it would be nice if it could access some of the restaurants that are just on the opposite side of campus, like across from Grant Street. It's not that much further that it has to go. Yes, it is into like the city territory. That's not like on Purdue grounds, I believe. But having access to those restaurants, especially later at night when you really don't want to walk across campus to get the food, that I feel like would probably be a really good idea to try to implement and see if you can get some of the restaurants here locally to kind of support and operate alongside the Starships and kind of use them as a delivery service as well. Yeah, it would be nice to see it expanded a little. I could definitely see the benefits of that. Is there anything else that you'd like to add about the experience? Anything just extra? Or is that pretty much it? Other than that, I've never really seen other people, like any other problems with the Starships largely. I think that sums up my biggest gripes, which is just them in traffic. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me.